Thursday, August 11, 2016

How to Use Meditation to Get to Sleep Faster

Three Tips for Getting a Full Night's Sleep

by Kathleen Lisson

A full 8-9 hours of restful rejuvenating sleep is a key part of wellness and the only way I can train hard in the morning and then work a full day. The hard part: disconnecting from technology and getting to sleep in the first place.

I have been married for a few years and my husband and I are still working out bedtime rules we can both follow. Turning off electronics a half hour before bedtime and tucking ourselves in at least 8 hours before the morning alarm is set is key to making sure that our tomorrows will be as productive as possible. For me, a busy day filled with emotion almost guarantees tossing and turning after the lights are turned off unless I practice my favorite sleepy-time meditation. My choice: a mantra meditation that lets me focus on well wishes to relieve all being’s suffering. Another meditation practice called body scan has great results for many meditators I have spoken to. I can completely relax and let go when I am totally focused on repeating my mantra in my head.

What's the Difference Between Regular Meditation and Meditation for Sleep?

The difference: in my morning meditation I am sitting and focused on staying alert and in the present moment. In the evening, I am settled comfotably in bed and the focus is on being absorbed in the mantra.

Kathleen’s Bedtime Rules:

  • Turn off electronics a half hour before bedtime
  • Tuck yourself in at least 8 hours before the morning alarm
  • If anxiety is ruining your sleep, end the day with a Mantra Meditation or Body Scan

Kathleen Lisson is a certified Meditation Teacher and Labyrinth Facilitator and teaches Meditation and Mindfulness at IPSB college in San Diego. Sign up for a private meditation lesson or labyrinth walk in the comfort of your home here:

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