Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Interview with Holistic Nutritionist Ashleigh Norris of the Soulful Sprout

Interview with Holistic Nutritionist Ashleigh Norris 

of The Soulful Sprout 

by Kathleen Lisson

I recently had the opportunity to pick the brain of a wonderful holistic nutritionist, Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner and cancer survivor Ashleigh Norris! After my skin cancer diagnosis and with a few years of treating clients with a lymphedema diagnosis under my belt, I wanted to know more about proper nutrition for cancer survivors and those with an autoimmune disorder. It's got to be more detailed than just eat less and exercise more!

Q: Many people in health care seem to think that if a condition can be controlled by medication, there shouldn't be too much time spent in searching for the WHYs. Why is it happening, WHAT else can we do to heal ourselves. Did you see that with your thyroid issues?

Ashleigh: I, unfortunately, had to learn the hard way when it came to medications and thinking that they were a viable solution to helping my body recover from thyroid disease. My symptoms were lessened but our body knows when something is deeply wrong, and it will be persistent in "showing you" until you address the root problem. When it come sto thyroid disease often the root of the problem is nutritional deficiencies, stress or digestive issues.

Q: How did your diet change after your cancer diagnosis?

Ashleigh: My diet changed considerably after my cancer diagnosis as I started to see a Nutritionist at that time who had informed me about the dangers of consuming soy, dairy, gluten and grains since I was dealing with an autoimmune condition too. I had little knowledge about cancer diets but understood that I had to change the "acidic" and "toxic" terrain that my body was. This means more alkalinizing veggies, juices, green vegetables, clean sources of fish and meat and healthy fats. I also started taking supplements that would support my body along with herbs that would support detoxification and elimination.

Q: Should we be following a different diet during cancer treatment and after we are finished with treatment?

Ashleigh: Diets do vary depending on the types of cancer, radiation, chemotherapy and post-surgery. It is best to worth with a Nutritionist or Naturopath who is trained as a Cancer Care Practitioner every step of the way to support your body through optimal healing or to seek alternatives.

Q: Have you seen any cases of lymphedema and/or lipedema? Do you have any advice for ladies struggling with these conditions? 

Ashleigh: Yes I have and my biggest piece of advice is CONSISTENCY. Things I often recommend include:

-exercises such as walking, swimming, cycling, yoga poses like Viparita Karani or Legs-Up-The-Wall (link: https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/legs-up-the-wall-pose)

-lymphatic massage (link: http://www.uhn.ca/PatientsFamilies/Health_Information/Health_Topics/Documents/How_to_Do_Self_Lymphatic_Massage_Lower_Body.pdf)

-dry brushing

-detoxifying the body (supported by health practitioner)

-Eliminate all unhealthy foods. These include processed foods, junk foods, fast foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and unhealthy oils (coconut and ghee are the most healthy).

-Eat as many organic fruits and vegetables as possible.

The diet should include fermented foods like kimchi and saurkraut and probiotics. Probiotics help keep friendly bacteria in the intestines thriving, support the immune system, and aid in toxin removal.
-lymphatic herbs such as cleavers, devil's claw, calendula and astragalus

-rebounding exercises (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRaMoZuufT0) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mODSv8Iatt4)

-meditation or restorative yoga to name a few.

If this interview has a million other questions racing through your mind, you can find out more about Ashleigh at her blog!

Read Holistic Nutritionist Ashleigh Norris' blog The Soulful Sprout here: https://www.thesoulfulsprout.com/

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