Saturday, October 8, 2016

How to get the most out of travel experiences - Meditate

How to Learn from Travel Experiences

by Kathleen Lisson

The first time I traveled to India to visit my future husband's family, I knew it would take a few months before I would fully integrate the experience into my life. Being exposed to such a wide variety of foreign experiences takes time to sink in. I experienced the same feeling a few years later when I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa and experienced an African Safari. I could share photos and funny stories, but the true, deep meaning of these experiences didn't blossom until I spent time in stillness by myself and allowed my body to unravel its own understanding of what it had experienced. Travel writer Pico Iyer offers similar advice in the inspiring TED talk 'The Art of Stillness.'

Do you give yourself stillness after you travel, or jump right back into your day-to-day life?

Kathleen Lisson is a certified Meditation Teacher and Labyrinth Facilitator and teaches Meditation and Mindfulness at IPSB college in San Diego. Sign up for a private meditation lesson or labyrinth walk in the comfort of your home here:

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