Saturday, September 12, 2020

 I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and lymphatic massage therapist. I help people reduce swelling after plastic surgery procedures including abdominoplasty, brazilian butt lift and liposuction. One of the biggest ‘rules’ I see clients following is the belief that they have to do crunches to develop their core. Trouble is, people should not put weight on their butt in the first months after a brazilian butt lift, which means they are putting off exercise for longer than they should. The good news is that the core is more than just the rectus abdominis! There are plenty of core strength exercises that can be performed, including planks, side bends, standing bicycle crunches and standing twists that work all the muscles of the core. 


Pre-surgery workout video:

My post-liposuction, tummy tuck and BBL workouts are here:

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